
20 Facts about Me 

 By Hannah Freeland


  1. I have loved and ridden horses since I was 2
  2. I have 3 sisters, of which I am the eldest, and they are my best friends
  3. I am useless at Cross Country- I’m just not brave enough!
  4. I didn’t know being a full time equine photographer was a job or business until 12 years ago
  5. I believe furniture should be moved frequently for a clear mind and because my Mum does it
  6. I swapped from Canon to Nikon a year ago
  7. I have a trusted team around me who help support and run things with me
  8. I’ve had a business and photography mentor for 9 years
  9. I continue to be surprised at how beautiful horses are with their owners on every single shoot
  10. I worked with Harry Meade for 3 years photographing behind the scenes. It was only supposed to be one event! We continue to be firm friends and I miss the adventure on daily basis, but I’m also happy that I’m creating my own adventure
  11. I’m jealous of other people’s self-confidence
  12. Time genuinely flies past on photo shoots – it’s when I am at my happiest
  13. I am constantly trying to diet, however, my will power is my enemy
  14. I have a retired horse called Twiggy
  15. I love driving; and its part of the job. It gives me the chance to listen to the MANY podcasts that I subscribe to
  16. I am constantly learning new strategies for running my business
  17. I feel it takes me longer to come to conclusions than others
  18. I am 35
  19. I am grateful for my work and life, each and every day
  20. I don’t ever want to get off of this ride