Learn how to work that location!

Learn how to work that location!

Picture this- you arrive at a yard. All you can see is a flat grass field and an average stable block- and you panic! “Where on earth am I going to place my clients?!” You then just fluff your way through the day with no idea where to direct yourself- let...
Learn how to work that location!

Posing, posing, posing!!

This comes up time and time gain- many delegates feel like they’re lacking in confidence- you have the perfect horse, owner and location- but just don’t know how to work it, and don’t know what to do with the subjects. You start to feel pressure that your client...
Learn how to work that location!

Don’t miss those unplanned moments…

Unplanned moments can sometimes make the BEST shots! If you are too busy changing your settings on your camera or fiddling around trying to find a snack in your bag- you will miss these moments! They often happen when you have shot your main set of images, and...
Learn how to work that location!

Become the director!

We cannot stress the importance of this enough. Over the years, we have become pretty hot on this! It is so so vital that you direct your clients into the exact poses you want, or often your descriptions will get lost in translation! So, lets set the scene… You...
Learn how to work that location!

Get to recognise natural props

When you train you eye to really see the best of your area, you are already winning! Try and work out how it what you can use around you, and how it will look with a horse and owner in it… Natural framesThis is the art of spotting natural areas that can frame...
Learn how to work that location!

The BIG secret… find a square!

This is something I didn’t even realise was a secret until really recently. I was teaching a group of delegates on location and said to them…’don’t forget to find your square!!’…. The fact that I was met with 6 blank faces made me...
Learn how to work that location!

Be prepared for your shoot

The most important lesson I ever learned is to NOT be underprepared! I remember when I turned up to one of my first shoots, and halfway through my battery died….but I had NOT packed a spare!! Embarrassingly, I had to borrow a camera off one of the guests at the...