
What does it take to craft a solid equine photography business?

Getting your business foundations right is essential if you want a thriving equine photography business.  We believe in equipping our delegates with the essential business foundations necessary for a successful career. This is why on our first 2 online days (11th...

Building your best portfolio

The presentation of your images is one of the most important things you can spend time getting absolutely perfect.  When a prospective client comes across your website, one of the first things they will do is look at your portfolio. They will have a rough idea in...

How to add equine fine art to your portfolio

Many people feel quite intimidated by fine art photography, thinking it is something not many people can do and is outside of their reach.  The best definition we can find of fine art photography is the following: "Fine art photography is a style of photography...
The 5 Common Mistakes New Equine Photographers Make

The 5 Common Mistakes New Equine Photographers Make

Every day behind a camera is a new adventure, but the best – and often, most frustrating – adventures come with a heaping helping of trial and error. We want to help you reach the next level as quickly as possible, so we’ve compiled some of the most common mistakes...

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4 Top Tips to Make Your Portfolio Work for You

4 Top Tips to Make Your Portfolio Work for You

Putting together your portfolio can be one of the toughest parts of setting up, and maintaining, your photography business. It’s the first thing a potential client sees, after all, and it’s the primary factor that helps them decide whether they’ll book you. So how do...

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Working 9-5…or Beyond? Simplify your Workflow with these 5 Tips!

Shoot and Shadow Course – January 2018

Last week I ran the January Shoot and Shadow Course in Buckinghamshire. I met 5 wonderful photographers and had a blast photographing our TOP MODEL Rob Waine Dressage at his lovely yard. Thank you to Rob for his excellent modeling (along with Cici and Naz) and for...

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Working 9-5…or Beyond? Simplify your Workflow with these 5 Tips!

“Mentor Me” Equine Photography Programme – Kate Alford

Last September Kate Alford signed up for the basic photography one day course. Her initial intention was to learn how to use her camera.

She decided after the course to continue working with me and signed up for the 3 day equine course. Kate felt both courses covered everything she needed and the content was incredible and a great source of information. She wanted to ensure she did not get distracted by the daily slog as a mother of three children. Kate wanted to push herself forward towards her dream job, so she joined my “mentor me” programme

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Ready to level up your small business game?
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