How often do you receive a phone call from a ideal client?
Or do you occasionally get an email through your website, or maybe you’re getting DM’s through your social media and you just don’t know why you can’t get them on the phone and all they want to know is “how much is a shoot?”.
It’s about your visibility. How are people finding you and what does your business look like when they do find you.
If you’re searching for a new pair of shoes and you Google “Timberland Style Boot”. Let’s pretend you get 2 results.
One website shows the style of boots you’re looking for. However, the design of the website is terrible, a couple of the links are broken and the price is £9.95 plus £2.95 P&P. You start thinking, oh lordy they’ll fall apart in 2 minutes, let’s have a look at the other website.
Stroll on over to a stylist and fully working website. You connect with the brand, it’s clean and unfussy and the boots look good (by the way, probably the exact same boots from the same factory). Then a pop up pings in front of you, ‘sign up for a gifted design consultation’. You may or may not be interested but thats a 5* offering right there. These boots are £45 plus £10 P&P. You have decided from the branding and the price that these boots are much better made and won’t make your feet ache, they are in your budget and you know that the shipping is insured because it’s a decent price.
My point is, the boots are the same but your clients perception has come from the business, not the boots.
Next time you look at your business, try and do it from a third party point of view. What does your portfolio tell your new, potential client? What does your branding say and what does your price covey to them?
It’s a hard lesson to go through, but you may be putting off your ideal client before you’ve even spoken to them.
If you’d like to take control of your dream and build the business you’ll be proud of have a look through our current courses available with Emily and Hannah.