Have you ever made a marketing plan before, or are you winging it? Do you know what a marketing plan looks like? We don’t mean to sound condescending, but neither of us knew what a true marketing plan looked like before we were mentored.
Is this you at the moment?
“I have a friend on a yard who is recommending me to her horsey friends and I post on social media every day”
I’m sorry to say, this is not a marketing plan and will not deliver the results you’re hoping for. In some companies they have entire marketing departments, because so much goes into getting in front of your ideal client.
We are going to teach you how to get in front of them AND get them to notice you. Without a huge department and without re-mortgaging your house for Facebook Ads.
Both of us have strong marketing plans, we know what we’re going to invest in, which shows we’ll exhibit at, the collaborations we’ll create and maybe an art installation or two. Whether we’re able to attend shows or are in lockdown you need to be getting your best foot forward when it comes to marketing.
We are literally brimming with marketing ideas. When you come to us with a connection that could help your business we will come up with so many ideas of making that work for you AND for them.
Here’s an example that you can use in your business.
Golden Nugget
Let’s say you have a connection with a target client on a medium sized livery yard. This is what you need to think about.
Connect with Lady A > Show her what you can do > give her THE BEST experience possible > get her connecting you to other people on the yard > get them booking the experience Lady A had > keep the circle moving.
In our forth 2 day session together on our 1yr Group Mentorship Programme we concentrate on your Marketing Plan. We will be going through real-life scenarios and telling you exactly what we did to get that ideal client promoting us and our talent to her like minded friends.
Because of this marketing plan Hannah received a phone call last week from someone who came through a dressage trainer that she’s close to. The lady literally said, “I don’t care how much it costs, I’ve seen the images you produced in Carlotta’s album and I want my daughter to have the same.”
Hannah says…
“Part of my marketing plan is connecting with people. Once someone has had a shoot with me, I know they will tell their circle of friends all about it and show off the images. I need to take that energy and turn it into new clients and bookings, and thats exactly what I do, because I plan it all out and my client or influencer understands what their role looks like”.
By this point in the 1 Year Group Mentorship Programme you have solidified your portfolio, you know how to edit your images worthy of framing, you have a solid business plan and goal list is in place and you have a confidence building price guide. Now we market all of this along with your new portfolio of images, understanding of the shoot structure and 8 photo shoots under your belt to the perfect client.
Just some of the sessions we will be covering in the Marketing 2 days are:
- Target Clients – what do they look like and how do I connect to them?
- Building the perfect portfolio – where are your gaps and what does it say about you?
- Model Calls – Getting these right so they feed your network and grow your bookings.
- Shows – It’s all about being seen and heard.
- Exhibitions – Not just for traditional artists, host your own exhibition.
If this sounds too good to be true, it’s because it almost is, but we promise you this will change the way you do business and will make a difference as soon as you implement the ideas we create together.