Branding – we made a mistake!
So we thought we would open up to you guys and let you in on a mistake that we made. Please learn from us and trust your gut!
It was a crisp summer evening, with the sun streaming through the studio window and a well earn’t peppermint tea in hand… only kidding we can’t set the scene as well as this, but basically we had just finished a 2 day training course and were reflecting on our brand and following.
We had made a decision that our brand (you remember the dark blue with gold?) was too corporate and we wanted something that reflected our personalities and the fact that we work in the New Forest with ponies – so we decided to use our collective skills as creatives and past graphic design talents and come up with a new colour scheme and logo.
Queue the cute pony and subtle tones of greens… once we had created this beauty we decided to whack it out there, to the world! Changing the website, social media, newsletters etc etc we were flying! Until 2 days later we looked at the branding, then to each other and back to the branding… whoops we moved way too quickly and are way to close to our own brand to come up with something spectacular and in line with out 5 year plan.
Here’s where you guys can take a lesson from this, instead of sticking with our (bad) decision we got pro active and contacted a designer Hannah has worked with for 12 years. She dissected our goals and values and discussed at length what our ideal look and feel would be, and would you believe it, employing a trusted designer to do the job they are good at has paid off!
We have a new, and perfect brand to show you. We have quietly updated our website, social media and newsletters, Im sure you have all noticed that we have changed, but we wanted to acknowledge the mistake, in being transparent you guys can benefit.
Go forth and put the best people in the best place for your business. Don’t try and do this all by yourself, we cannot be everything to everyone!