All to often years disappear before our eyes, and nothing much changes, most people start the year with some fly away goals of becoming better and braver and nicer and more loving….blah blah blah…..but I know the majority of creative people have hopes and dreams of becoming more successful in business and developing their creative side beyond their current level, so why is it that years drift by without any real changes?
Well there is one key factor that keeps my business evolving and moving forward year in year out and that is setting and implementing actionable goals. There hasn’t ever been a time in my life that I haven’t set New Years Resolutions and Goals. I hold them fully responsible for my progress over the years and am so grateful for the quiet period between Christmas and New Year where all my targets are set in stone.
Here is a quick guide to help you make the transformations you need in your business for this year.
1) Get Your Special Book: Go and treat yourself to a really special note book and pen. This is the start of a big journey so make sure it’s beautiful.
2) Get a cup of tea and sit down: Find a clear gap in your diary were you can block at least 2 hrs of your time out to focus on your goals, and what you want to achieve this year.
3) Sections to Cover: Consider each of these sections and what you would like to change from your current situation. Write down the heading at the top of each page and below write the things you would like to achieve.
- Health and Fitness
- Relationships
- Finances
- Hobbies
- Vacations
- Home
- Finances
- Direction/Focus
- Workload/Managing Time
- New Projects
- Personal Work
- Upgrades Needed
4) Actionable steps: Once you have brainstormed all the major changes you would like to make for this coming year, you then need to break these up into actionable goals. Start a new page for each goal, put the goal at the top of the page and then write each actionable step down that you need to make. Decide on a completion date and write this along side your goal.
4) Reward Day: Always reward yourself for achieving targets. For each big goal set, chose a suitable reward for completion day and note this next to the target goal. I always like to include a very big reward if I tick off 100% of my goals for the year e.g a holiday somewhere hot!
5) Honour your word and believe its possible: This is a big part, now that you have all your targets and goals listed and a date set for completion along with the amazing reward you are going to get once complete, now is the time to take ACTION. Step by step tick them off. At the start of every month look through your special book and decide what needs completing, and schedule it in your diary.
This is without a doubt the most important thing I do for my business every year and is how I achieve the flow of progression. Set goals every year, be consistent with your actions and you will soon be rewarded with magnificent changes to both your personal and business life!
Good Luck and remember to email me with all your successes!