
Top 5 things I use for my equine photography business


  1. Database and management software

I use Lightblue for storing clients’ details and organising photo shoots. This is where I create leads, booked clients, shoots, workflows, invoicing, ordering and any follow ups.


I have tried many different databases and CRM’s in the past and although Lightblue isn’t the prettiest, it’s the most efficient and very easy to use. It does what it says on the tin.



  1. 70-200mm lens.

This may surprise some people but I use 1 lens for 99% of my equine portrait shoots. This is my trusted 70-200mm. It is such a wonderful lens and gives me the ability to be far enough away from my client that I’m not in their face but close enough that I don’t need to shout the directions.

  1. Landline phone with headset

I spend hours on the telephone. It was actually a slight fear for me, picking up the phone. When I have worked for other people the phone was never daunting, I would be the first to pick it up. I’m a people-pleaser, so the phone has always been a way of connecting with people.


When it came to picking up the phone for my own business, this was a little harder. However, I now have an old fashioned office phone with an answer machine and a blue tooth head set. The headset has been the game changer. It means I can walk around if I need to stretch the mind (and legs) on a creative call or I can type notes as I go.


  1. Podcasts

My love for podcasts is true and here to stay. I spend SO much time in my car that without podcasts I would lose about 15hrs a week in listening time. I get to grow and discover new business practices, mindset challenges and general inspiration from influencers.


I currently have a list of 25 Podcast shows and this list will keep growing. This list includes The Archers and Desert Island Discs – It’s good to chill out sometimes!


  1. Connections

It will be of no surprise that I believe in the phrase “it’s not what you know but who you know”. This isn’t a hard and fast rule, as with photography, you have to know something, but when you are running your own business the best steps I have taken have been because of a connection I made.


For example:

When I moved to Bath, I introduced myself to the owner of the flat underneath us. He happened to be an architectural photographer and we spoke most days. One day he mentioned that he had been asked to photograph a rider and it wasn’t his bag and did I want the gig? It paid £350 for 2hrs work. Sure I said (of course) that rider was Harry Meade and I went on to a personal project with Harry for 3.5yrs!